6 Smart Strategies for Limiting Human Error in Manufacturing

Human error is inescapable, and when it comes to manufacturing, even the smallest errors can lead to huge downtime and losses for a company. Simply approaching the situation with disciplinary action isn’t enough to stop it from happening again in the future. This is why it’s important to take a proactive stance on this situation instead. Thankfully, there are ways to limit the occurrence of such errors in your workplace. Here are some smart strategies you can employ in your own manufacturing process:

Automate wherever possible

No matter how much you try to train employees to minimize errors, it still won’t stop them from making mistakes. It’s better to invest in automating tasks wherever possible instead. For example, a CNC Milling machine is a high-precision tool that can nearly eliminate human error when it comes to cutting holes and slots into products. You can even achieve accuracy within 1/1000th. Its technology like this that can help you save on costs, as well as decrease downtime and errors.

Prioritize efficient communication

Plenty of human errors are caused by a lack of effective communication across all departments in a business. If you don’t have an open line of communication between employees, then it will be difficult for people to voice their concerns and ask questions that can clarify their tasks for them. This causes tons of organizational and logistical problems, resulting in more errors. Always make sure that there are open channels for both senior and junior staff to interface in a productive and professional manner.

Incentivize people to report any issues

Mistakes will always happen, but it’s important not to treat those who make them harshly. Consider these situations as learning experiences instead. This will incentivize people to report any issues and errors as opposed to conceal them for fear of punishment.

Implement an effective and thorough training program

The most basic thing you can do to minimize errors is to train employees efficiently and effectively. This lets them know what is expected of them in the job and how they can perform their duties successfully. The most important part of your training should be instilling your employees with an understanding of why certain tasks need to be done. It takes more than knowing how to do something and what to do to reduce errors. Employees need to understand why certain steps need to be taken and why it’s important to do their job correctly.

Establish a quality management system

Quality management systems that include risk management, documentation control, and project management can effectively streamline the manufacturing process, ensuring that you’re able to regulate performance across all your employees.

Make job steps visible

No matter how familiar your employees are with their tasks, it’s still possible for them to have a temporary lapse in memory. This is especially true when they have many other duties to oversee. You can help out your employees by making sure they have something to easily jog their memory such as illustrations and instructions posted up on the walls of your working areas.

While it might not be entirely possible to completely eliminate human errors in your manufacturing process, there are still things you can do to reduce the occurrence of them.


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